
Funny enough, the elaborate concoction aforementioned is precisely what I have been ordering on my coffee runs for the past several years, with the addition of an "extra, extra hot" request tagged onto the end. At times, I also take the liberty to follow up on my order by pitching a friendly supplemental reminder to the barista actually engaged in making my drink that he or she be sure to steam the milk well over 170°, quantitatively ensuring the extra, extra hotness of it.
I'm certain that not being punched in the head thus far in my life by these employees has either been a result of the baristas simply not being able to reach over the counter to actually make contact or Divine Intervention, protecting me.
Anyone know how Starbucks¹ and other coffee beaneries are doing nowadays, economically speaking? With a 16 oz. cup of coffee² now costing less than a gallon of gas, I worry for the state of the world, slash my bank account.
¹ Also known as, Fourbucks.
² Refer to footnote¹.
1. decaf? really? how do you live?
2. starbucks is going broke. fun times. cut the addiction.
re: 1.
caffeine = all placebo. i was onced forced to lay off caffeine for over three months, (by default > switching over to decaf) and ever since i haven't been able to tell the difference between two. trrryyy it!!
starbucks is definitely going kind of broke. stephen has worked there for like the last 2 years and he's been telling me about all this crazy stuff they've been doing to try and cut back costs.
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